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We compare the best broadband deals from a wide range of UK providers, with offers closely monitored to ensure accuracy.
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Expert guides and tips
Our resident experts write guides and helpful articles that cover a number of topics from the world of broadband.
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Broadband Speed Test
Find out whether you could be getting faster home broadband speeds. Our speed test will check your current broadband and let you compare with other speeds in your area.
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Answer a few quick questions and our broadband usage calculator will give you a data estimate for your household. Using this we'll recommend the best kind of deal for you.
CalculateBroadband tips & guides
Check out a range of guides and articles about broadband.
- Ash Walker • 05 Nov 2024
Great broadband doesn’t have to cost the Earth.
- Jonathan Victoria • 16 Oct 2024
Sky Broadband: Extras that make it so good
The keys that help deliver superior broadband with Sky.
- Jonathan Victoria • 25 Sep 2024
Is Sky Broadband good for gaming?
Does Sky deliver on your gaming needs…
Find a provider
We use a range of broadband providers to ensure you’ve got plenty of choice and a better chance of finding something ideally suited to your needs. We have a mix of the big names in broadband as well as smaller independent providers; if you’ve got a provider in mind then you can go straight to their deals, or have a look at how they all compare based on your preferences.
When you view a provider page on Broadband Finder you’ll be able to take a look at our review, as well as the stand-out pros and cons. You’ll also be able to see the latest broadband deals from each provider, and if there’s anything that looks like the right broadband package for you then you can follow our link and get that deal directly.
We have a range of tools to help you compare broadband deals, as well as a usage calculator and a speed test. These let you know what kind of broadband is going to suit your home, and which broadband might give you something faster than what you already have. We always aim to show you the best broadband deals, and hopefully make it easier for you to find exactly what you need.